Our Commitment to Child Safety

A Child Safe Organisation

We proudly identify as a Child Safe Organisation, committed to fostering an environment where the safety, well-being and rights of young people are at the forefront of our operations. We adhere to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Our Policies
Our Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct outlines the behaviour expected of all our team members.

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Our Policy

Our Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy is governed by our Board and outlines our comprehensive approach to child safety.

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Child Friendly Policy

We have a special plan called our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy. It keeps everyone safe and happy, whether at the theatre or in the classroom.

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Our Policies and Practices
Young people is at the heart of everything we do at Monkey Baa. Our policies and practices aim to create a safe environment for young people to experience the transformative power of theatre and the arts.
Mandatory training

We require all staff, our Board, artists and crew to complete training on child safety, the national principals and recognising signs of abuse.

Policy compliance

Everyone we engage with must explicitly acknowledge and actively adhere to our child safety policies and procedures.

Respectful interaction

Respect is a core value at Monkey Baa. We require respectful, courteous and ethical behaviour towards young people, their families and colleagues.

Active listening and response

We address the concerns of young people, especially those indicating discomfort or distress.

Promotion of rights and safety

Monkey Baa will always champion the human rights, safety and well-being of all young people. We always consider the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Equity and diversity

We create an environment that respects diverse backgrounds and needs, making it welcoming and culturally safe for everyone.

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We all play a role
We believe that protecting young people is a collective responsibility. We encourage everyone in our community—staff, parents, partners and the young people themselves—to be active participants in creating and maintaining a safe environment for everyone.
Contact us

If you would like any further information, lodge a complaint or would like to provide feedback on any of the above, please complete the following form. Alternatively, contact us at admin@monkeybaa.com.au.

Child Safe Partners

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